Friday, December 27, 2019


Anyone who has managed a band of a few musicians, will understand that bringing together thousands of creative people, managing their effervescent temperaments and molding them into a force for progress, as I have been made to do, over and over again, is not beans. My phone rings practically off the hook. I take as many calls as I can Any problem of each of the thousands of members of COSON is my problem. It is not by my power.

In the building of the copyright system in Nigeria, I have carried placards many times and led very risky demonstrations many-many times. I have been to court more times than many litigation lawyers and witnessed against top corporations, governments and individuals time and time again. I have gone many-many days without sleep, travelled lonely roads at dangerous hours, written opinion articles, delivered lectures, organized myriad conferences, seminars and workshops. It is not by my power.

I helped to construct PMAN and I have superintended over the building of an outstanding Nigerian institution called COSON which many said could never see the light of day. When the COSON House was commissioned over two and half years ago, a lot of people were surprised that there was not one Naira of government money in the magnificent building, no donor dollar from anywhere, no bank loan and no debt of any type. I tell you that it is not by my power.

For eight years, not one of the highly trained staff of COSON received his or her salary one day late. No COSON member entitled to royalties was ever denied money due to him. Not until recently, when some meddlesome interlopers went to court behind our backs to shut down the bank accounts of COSON. It might surprise many to know that no COSON member has ever paid any registration fee, monthly dues or subscription of any type yet every COSON member is entitled to some income every year.  Believe me, that it is not by my power.

My dedication to the copyright cause has never been because of a title or because of personal wealth. My official car as Chairman of COSON is one 17 years old Honda Pilot. I do not live in a house provided by COSON. Every member of staff of COSON goes to a hospital paid for by the organization. However, as Chairman, COSON does not even buy Panadol for me or for any member of my family. I do not go on a vacation on the bill of COSON. I have written in Saturday Breakfast several times that I verily believe that the true worth of a man is not in what he takes but in what he gives.

Over and over again, I have been counted out by men who have made money their god and who do not understand the concept of giving and of sacrifice. They have tried every which way to count me out. Each time they think they have finally succeeded, something new happens. They are confused and cannot understand why the good Lord has refused to count me out. I work for Him.

I have repeatedly emphasized that I drive on a full tank of faith. I serve a living God. The work I do is to the glory of the Almighty. The power I use is not mine but His.

This past week in New York City, I was engaged in the burial of my elder sister, Pauline Okoroji. As I went to school, I lived with her. She sowed the seeds of the values that drive me and the faith on which I stand. She gave completely of herself.

My sister had little money. If the truth be told, she had none. There was however nothing of importance that she wanted to do that she did not.

At the funeral of Pauline Okoroji, people of all nations came. There was testimony after testimony after testimony as to how this lady with unshakable faith touched the lives of people of different tribes in countries across the world. I was proud. As her body was laid to rest, I noticed that nobody put one dollar, one euro, one pound, one yen or one naira in the casket. She left as she came.

My experience this last week has sharpened my faith that you do not become great by what you take but by what you give. You might face trials upon trials but like Job, you will prevail.

As we enter 2020, do not worship men or money. Worship the Almighty and take care of the needs of His children. Do not fret about how you will survive. You will.

Please do not take credit for that which the Almighty does through you. It is not by your power. All glory and honour belong to Him. Drive on a full tank of faith with your tires pumped with love and do not listen to anyone who tells you that your dreams are impossible. The word, impossible, belongs to the devil.

See you next week.

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