Friday, November 29, 2019


Several times in recent years, I have been asked how I am able to take the many AK 47s and torpedoes repeatedly fired at me. You may have heard that each time, I have replied that I drive on a full tank of faith. I verily believe that as long as you have faith, you can move mountains. You are unbeatable.

That might sound arrogant but it is not meant to be. I have come to the conclusion that if what you do is for the good of God's children and you believe in the power of the Almighty, many will be confounded as to what you achieve and how bullets fly past you without touching you.

For your tank to be full of faith, please make sure that you do not top up with hate, greed, jealousy, covetousness and their likes. When what moves you is the love of God's children, faith becomes not just a weapon but a shield.

It is my rule not to launch an attack on any innocent person. In fact, I will go out of my way to avoid a confrontation. It may be why I get attacked so often and get underestimated so often. It is only when I have tried my best to avoid an attack that I respond and respond forcefully. 

Many complain that I do not appear to worry about anything; my health, my safety; my finances or tomorrow. I am a workaholic who just trudges on. As long as what I am doing is to the glory of the Almighty, I do it with joy and a smile. I do not worry. I drive on a full tank of faith. I verily do not believe that the Almighty will send me on an errand without ensuring that I have the means to get there.

Nobody can bring you down except yourself. If you do not have faith, you have already failed even before you have started. If you see the cup as half empty instead of half full, you have already failed. I know that no matter how bad the situation may appear, there is a way, there is an answer, there is a solution.

I believe that we spend far too much time staring at and worrying about our problems instead of looking at the solutions which most times are right in front of us. When you drive on a full tank of faith, you see solutions and not problems.

As you join God's children and the nightingales from every tribe and every denomination this Sunday at our trending event, "COSON in the Church", please come with your tank full of faith completely believing that the Almighty will hear your prayers and will meet you at the point of your need. Not long ago, men of little faith were sure that an event like "COSON in the Church" will never see the light of day again. They celebrated that they have brought to a screeching halt the work of the living God. This Sunday, there will be another unforgettable "COSON in the Church" to usher in another "COSON Week". It simply proves that no one can bring to an end the work of the Almighty.

I am moved by the words of my brother and colleague Righteousman Erhabor, who will be on stage at COSON in the Church this Sunday. Said Righteousman: "I have uncountable reasons to testify of God's miraculous works in my life. So much of His Glory and Power I have seen, enjoyed and still enjoying. Extraordinary Grace unexplainable! Even 30 billion tongues are not enough to give Him praise!"

Righteousman will be rocking the stage with the likes of the Prince of the Niger Delta, the gospel music generalissimo, Asu Ekiye and Saxophonist extra-ordinaire, Mike Aremu. It will be a gospel music explosion this Sunday at the main auditorium of Revival Assembly in Ikeja with Nigeria's most admired Gospel singers of the present day such as Ayo Vincent, Ibitayo Jeje, Tosin Bee, Ighosa Obaro, Jerry K and Essence. Also storming this 'festival of faith' will be the "five bad guys" of the gospel, Word-to-God. If you have never seen Emmaolin do unbelievable things with the violin, Sunday is your chance to experience this remarkably talented artiste. He makes music that reaches out to the angels. The new-wave performers will be supported by the evergreen Queens of the Gospel such as the unshakable KSB and the unstoppable Funmi Aragbaye, the President of the Gospel Musicians Association of Nigeria (GOMAN).

I have conceived and produced many memorable events in my career. I can assure everyone that the 2019 'COSON in the Church' will be hot, smoking and uplifting.

I know that for most Christians, the 1st of December every year begins the Christmas season. I make bold to ask everyone who can make it to be at the beautiful auditorium of Revival Assembly this Sunday at 3.00 pm to receive God's blessings in abundance and begin this Christmas season in the presence of the Almighty. It will be awesome. Anyone who knows me will testify that I do not promise that which I will not deliver. When I do things, I try to do them well. I drive on a full tank of faith.

All hands are on deck. Nigeria's greatest gospel singers are ready. The most amazing and anointed men of God will pray for the Nigerian nation and for the families of everyone present at this time of great challenges in our country. This is an important contribution of the musicians of Nigeria to national unity. The red carpet will be hot with paparazzi everywhere and there will be stars and stars every direction you look.

Please, next time you wonder how a guy called Tony Okoroji can take the many AK 47s and torpedoes repeatedly fired at him, stop wondering. Just remember that I drive on a full tank of faith.

See you next week.

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