Friday, December 28, 2018


In just two days, we will be saying bye-bye to the year 2018 and by the grace of the Almighty, we will be welcoming a brand new 2019.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish everyone sharing Saturday Breakfast with me today a happy and prosperous 2019.  
But please do not think that it is everyone who would be shouting "Happy New Year" with you that is happy that you made it. Some may be smiling with you but their hearts are filled with bile.
I very well know that there are people who are mystified that on December 29, 2018, I am still alive and well to write Saturday Breakfast. If they can control it, they would made sure that nobody reads this column.  I am sure they are wondering and asking themselves, "how did he make it?"

I have spent much of my life wrestling with man's hatred. I have little material wealth but I have faith and happiness. I appreciate the grace that the Almighty has given me to work hard, focus on every challenge and achieve results that please him. I love the gift He has given me and I try to use it the best I can.
I do not want to be Dangote or Otedola or Ronaldo or Donald Trump. I am Tony Okoroji and I like it.
I know that the good Lord has given to each of his children, their peculiar gifts. The problem is that rather than harness their gifts, some people are very busy with envy and covetousness and fixated on the gifts of others. Somebody should tell them that I do not want to be them and no matter how much they try, they cannot be me.
When I say that I drive on a full tank of faith, what I mean is that I have full confidence that if what I am doing is to the glory of God and the good of his children, I cannot fail. As my tank is filled with faith, so are my tires filled with love and no obstacle or bump can stop me.
I have heard some people say that I am arrogant… No sir! What they consider arrogance is confidence. I am not so stupid that I do not understand that the wisdom and strength that I deploy does not belong to me but to the Almighty.
I know that hatred is a virus. It permeates your engine and destroys the effectiveness of your mechanism. That is why those who fight me with falsehood fall yakata and will continue to fail. Hatred belongs to the Devil. I deal with love and have asked the Almighty not to let me attack anyone who has not done anything against me.
In 2018, I witnessed some people concoct so much lies about me, repeatedly told their lies until they even began to believe their lies. They are still running from pillar to post and need to ask themselves why their coordinated lies have been so ineffective. The answer is simple: love conquers hate.
I do hope that in 2019, all of us will learn the lesson that man is not God and that if you drive on a full thank of faith, you will never be stranded along the way.
Happy New Year everyone.
See you next week

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