Friday, November 16, 2018



Some will tell you that Okoroji survives because of one powerful juju man somewhere continuously reading incantations on his behalf and throwing cowries into the air. Others will tell you that the guy, Tony Okoroji, is smart and cunning and always a step ahead of his adversaries.

I have never been to any juju man in my life and the day I decide to place my fate and future before any juju man, may the Almighty take my life.

I am not a fool but I am also not as smart as people sometimes think. Yes, I work very hard and believe in the maxim, 'if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail'.

So, why is it that all the elaborate plans to sink and humiliate me always seem to hit the rocks? EFCC! Police! Defamation! Criminal cases! Unending harassment! Courts! The answer is in the word, "favour" – that grace of the Almighty which He visits on His children as He chooses.

God's grace defies human understanding. My survival is not by my power or my might. I am simply too small to face the many arrows aimed at me. I am just a very lucky man to be a beneficiary of God's grace.

You know that the Almighty visits His children with different gifts – beauty, talent, wealth, knowledge, power, etc. Do you think that Aliko Dangote is the richest man in Africa because he is the smartest? Maybe you think that Barcelona's ace, Lionel Messi messes up everyone on the football field and scores the incredible goals he puts in the net because he practices harder than everyone else? These are people who have discovered the Grace that the Almighty has visited them with and are deploying the grace adequately. Check and you will find the grace of the Lord in your life.

On December 7, 2017, without notice, it was decided by some of my colleagues on the COSON Board that they wanted another face as Chairman of COSON. Despite the fact that I did not agree with the timing nor the procedure, I took my lap top and left COSON House. I did not complain to anyone. I did not quarrel with anyone. I did not insult anyone. Next day, I addressed the staff of COSON on speaker phone and asked them to go about their duties with confidence and pride and even work harder for the organization than they had done with me as Chairman.

When on December 19, 2017 the members of COSON after 12 days of my absence ushered me into COSON House with thunderous ovation and overwhelming kindness, I cried. I cried in public because not many people live to witness such profound recognition and appreciation of their efforts. This was God's grace at work.

When the General Assembly took the decision which they expressly have the right to take under the COSON articles, to annul the December 7 decision of the board, I believed that the handful of members of our board who organized themselves to remove me, would act like true democrats and sportsmen, appreciate that whether the members were right or wrong, they acted within their powers.

I have watched TV programs during which incredibly defamatory things have been said about me and facts twisted so badly to run me down. They even wrote a very long petition to the Copyright Commission against me and asked their friends in the NCC to jump into the arena, twist the law and the rules, make pronouncements that lack rhyme nor reason and install them in office.  Close to one year after, it has not happened. I am a firm believer that you may go left or right but ultimately power resides with the people and God's grace is supreme.

I have been told that a regulator is faultless and cannot be challenged. In other words, when someone regulates you, you have become a slave. If he asks you to commit suicide, you must kill yourself. After all, he is your regulator! We have gone to court to challenge our regulator and the heavens have not fallen.

The great thing about the COSON experience is that it is taking us in Nigeria through an important civic lesson. At the end of the day, we may all learn that nobody's power is absolute except the Almighty and that as free citizens, we must remain free to say blatant 'no' to those who assume power supposedly to protect the people and then turn around to use the power against the people.

In my struggles, I have many people to thank. People who understand my way of thinking and have stood firmly behind me when others have counted me out. One of such persons is one of Nigeria's most gifted writers who today in Port Harcourt launches a book called "The Circular Road". Victor Nwokocha is a recipient of that special favour of the Almighty that defies human understanding. He can do with words what most of us consider magic. Victor Nwokocha is also very loyal to his friends. He is a man among men.

I tried to get to Port Harcourt yesterday but could not. Trek, swim, crawl, run, fly, however, I intend to be in Port Harcourt today to celebrate with my brother and friend, Victor at the landmark launch of his new book, the Circular Road. So, help me God.

See you next week.

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