Saturday, July 28, 2018


I have never met our President, Muhammadu Buhari. I have never received any favour of any type from him or anyone associated with him: not the promise of the famous oil block, not a contract, not an employment… nothing! I have written in this column before that I am not sure that Muhammadu Buhari even knows that I exist. To be clear, I have never been a member of any of Nigeria's motley power contraptions called political parties.

Yet, there are many who accuse me of being part of the conspiracy to foist Buhari on the Nigerian people. The fact that I am 'accused' is clear evidence that things have not worked out very well. Maybe, if things had worked well, nobody would have noticed that I had anything to do with anything. I do not deny that I expected so much of General Muhammadu Buhari and said so loudly. I so badly wanted my country to be led by a man whom I believed had the moral authority to call a spade a spade and who would have the strength of character to do the right things irrespective of whose ox is gored.
I have only one PVC which I carefully deploy the way my conscience tells me to. In terms of voting therefore, I do not have more power than the vulcanizer down my street. I however write Saturday Breakfast which appears to be read by a good number of people and I lead an effervescent group. It therefore appears that my thoughts go beyond my household and some people respect the opinions that I express. Hence, it beholds on me to be very thoughtful about what I say and what I write.
I am very thoughtful about saying this: I never thought that Nigeria would come to where it is today with hope becoming a very scarce commodity and our young people frustrated beyond words. Just this week, a good friend of mine who very much supported the candidature of Muhammadu Buhari, packed his bag and baggage, his wife and three children and left Nigeria for good. He has had enough.
While my friend was leaving, the newly minted APC Chairman, Adams Oshiomhole, bubbling with energy, was barking in Abuja. Oshiomhole may not have quite understood the import of his outburst on Labour Minister, Chris Ngige in Abuja. In issuing Ngige a yellow card and threatening to walk him out of the APC stadium, the former NLC leader simply delivered a State of the Union address. The team is playing very badly and he would no longer tolerate ministers who disrespect the President, the captain of the team. He was confirming what everybody already knows: the falcon no longer hears the falconer and anarchy has set in.
The fact that Oshiomhole was talking about inaugurating Federal Government Boards a few months to the end of the term of this administration gives everyone an idea of how well the country has been managed. Pray, when will these boards meet, agree on policies, execute those policies before being booted out in a few months?
Mine was a key voice in the setting up of what today is the Nigerian Copyright Commission aimed at driving on behalf of Nigeria, the intellectual property revolution which is powering economies around the world. In drafting the law setting up the commission, we immediately recognized that the agency must be run by a board made up of men and women grounded with experience in different fields that would ensure that the agency is permanently at the forefront of pursuing national interest and not individual idiosyncrasies. Since Buhari became President, the NCC has not had a Board. I have watched with sadness as one man appointed by the previous government with little evidence of the knowledge or experience to run such an important national agency has been 'Sole Administrator' issuing weird instructions and dismantling every block that we have laid for the greatness of our nation.
With COSON, Nigeria was the shining star of the continent in copyright administration. With so much government meddling, Nigeria is on the way to becoming the laughing stock of the world. Unfortunately, what is happening with our copyright system is happening in several other important agencies in our nation.
I began to ask questions in the first six months of the Buhari administration. I pinched myself when Bukola Saraki outsmarted the APC leadership and became and remained a very powerful Senate President despite the many banana peels his own party threw at him from every direction. I became worried when months after months, Nigeria did not have a minister and Abuja became a wasteland as our civil servants drifted like sheep without shepherd.   
I was shaken by the Babachir Lawal incident which went on and on and remains unresolved as I write. Who would have believed that the Maina matter with its potentials to destroy the civil service, would be swept under the carpet? It has. I honestly did not think that the blood of so many innocent Nigerians would repeatedly be shed over something as mundane as the rearing of cattle. With an army general in charge?
Sambo Dasuki is not from my village. When I hear the incoherent things being said over his matter, I shudder. Is anyone calculating the cost to our nation of the destruction of our judicial system with this intransigence and the shame it brings us in the comity of nations?
Love him or hate him, Bukola Saraki has a Supreme Court Judgment in his pocket. Those who tried to diminish him have made him a superstar. Do they understand that the harder they go after him, the bigger they make him?
Amaju Pinnick at the NFF has just received his own COSON treatment. It appears that everything good about Nigeria is under attack…
I do not know any Nigerian leader who came to power through the ballot box with so much goodwill and so much expectation. Books will be written, and movies made on how Muhammadu Buhari blew it and is now having endless meetings seeking support which he had in abundance. What happened to the almost limitless goodwill Buhari had?
Goodwill?! Goodluck?! Godspeed to Adams Oshimhole. So sad.

See you next week.


  1. This Tony Okoroji guy has courage. He says it as it is.

  2. Saturday is not complete without breakfast with Okoroji.

  3. Truth,what really happened to all the appraisal's?

    1. Pardon me for saying this: the appraisal was merely on speculation not by facts and figures. Now, the reality is dawn on us all.

  4. The right way to start a Saturday morning is by reading the incredibly educative column- Saturday Breakfast with Tony Okoroji. I learn as i read; each piece touching on salient affairs in the body polity. More grease to your elbow Sir. T

  5. Well said. This man is phenomenal, a genius. I have read the story over and over again, and i wonder how the arduous Chairman of COSON manages to put together excellent pieces of this magnitude together ever saturday. Kudos

  6. This is a Fantastic and educative write up...Kudus sir.

  7. He was confirming what everybody already knows: the falcon no longer hears the falconer and anarchy has set in......

    Hmm---'Things fall apart". May God deliever the nation from the snare of uncouth leaders.

    1. A sad commentary indeed. As the legendary writer, Chinua Achebe puts it: THINGS FAR well we can see that the' center can no longer hold! The lampooned public interest abashed in the wake of this administration is devastating, the effect- a cost too to much. May eledumare come to our rescue before we all find ourselves at the bottom of abyss.

  8. Books will be written, and movies made on how Muhammadu Buhari blew it...
    Indeed,this portion of the article summarizes it all: he blew it. Maybe our dear President forgot that the country he is presently leading is not his Daura farm neither his immediate household. He had been lopsided in the discharge of due justice to the offenders of the state, even appointment to the right people has being prejudiced on the basis of tribal/ religious affinity. May God help us. AMEN

  9. In all the years that i have known the indefatigable Chief Tony Okoroji, he has continually shown and exemplified what it mean to be a true compatriot, astute professional and one who wears the colours of dignity and patriotism. This is non-partisan, a straight from the heart talk. Easy to understand as well as a food for thought for all well meaning Nigerians. Nigeria, o! Nigeria.

    1. Bestriding on colossus iron legs, it is as though this brilliant writer played a trick on our collective minds, as this piece: MUHAMMADU BUHARI AND THE SQUANDERING OF GOODWILL, is a telepathic analogy of the true state of the nation. Jisike! Honorable Chief

  10. Tell those old ensemble of manipulators that the Nigerian youths are coming with full force next year to oust them from power, permanently, Enough is enough

  11. Indeed, there is no holding back. We would show those odd men how they have failed woefully. We shall hoist our flag high once again. Hurray!

  12. I love your writing but you need to fill out a wailers form first.

  13. Wow sir you always speak the truth and I learn a lot from your write ups.Weldon sir .

  14. What's a Saturday without a piece from the wordsmith himself. Thank you so much for this insightful piece sir. I am a huge fan.

  15. What's a Saturday without a piece from the wordsmith himself. Thank you so much for this insightful piece sir. I am a huge fan.

  16. We were promised change and we got the change we didn't deserve. Our leaders can't survive one day in our shoes that's why they avoid it for if they really cared about us as must as themselves Nigeria would be in at least a good stage if not better.

    1. All talks and no action.After 58 years of independence, nothing seems to be working well.
