Saturday, September 14, 2019


Several times in recent years, I have been asked how I am able to take the many AK 47s and torpedoes repeatedly fired at me. You may have heard that each time, I have replied that I drive on a full tank of faith. I verily believe that as long as you have faith, you can move mountains. You are unbeatable.

That might sound arrogant but it is not meant to be. I have come to the conclusion that if what you do is for the good of God's children and you believe in the power of the Almighty, many will be confounded as to what you achieve and how bullets fly past you without touching you.

For your tank to be full of faith, please make sure that you do not top up with hate, greed, jealousy, covetousness and their likes. When what moves you is the love of God's children, faith becomes not just a weapon but a shield.

It is my rule not to launch an attack on any innocent person. In fact, I will go out of my way to avoid a confrontation. It may be why I get attacked so often and get underestimated so often. It is only when I have tried my best to avoid an attack that I respond and respond forcefully. 

Many complain that I do not appear to worry about anything; my health, my safety; my finances or tomorrow. I just trudge on. As long as what I am doing is to the glory of the Almighty, I do it with joy and a smile. I do not worry. I drive on a full tank of faith. I verily do not believe that the Almighty will send me on an errand without ensuring that I have the means to get there.

Nobody can bring you down except yourself. If you do not have faith, you have already failed even before you have started. If you see the cup as half empty instead of half full, you have already failed. I know that no matter how bad the situation may appear, there is a way, there is an answer, there is a solution.

I believe that we spend far too much time staring at and worrying about our problems instead of looking at the solutions which most times are right in front of us. When you drive on a full tank of faith, you see solutions and not problems.

I have nothing against people who go to church regularly. I however do not believe that faith has anything to do with how many times you go to church. I have written here before that I was born a Catholic and remain a Catholic. My older sisters and Madam though complain ceaselessly that I do not go to church as regularly as I should. I just do not believe that God is only in the Catholic church. I believe that He is in every church and in fact in the Mosque, in the market, in our offices, on the streets and in our homes. Believe me, God is in bars and hotels too. He is everywhere.

I also honestly do not accept that there is one God for the Catholics, another for the Anglicans, a different one for the Pentecostals and a patently different God for my brothers and sisters of the Islamic faith. I do not accept that you will go to hell because you are not Catholic. I believe that the divisions that exist among us are man-made, more social, sometimes political and certainly not spiritual. Each time I look at the many problems, quarrels and wars across the world, I see the consequences of the divisions that man has created among the children of God.  These divisions result in suspicion, hate and ultimately, bloodshed and strife.

Sometimes, I believe that in Africa, we pray far too much. We pray like people who have no faith. We pray and pray and pray and do so little work. We pray like God is not hearing us. Then, we shout! While the rest of the world is working, we are praying. Thereafter, we pray to get a visa to go and live in the countries where things are working well because the people have been working while we prayed.

My take is that whatever I ask of the Almighty has already been given to me. I just move on to implementation and harvest.

Please, next time you wonder how a guy called Tony Okoroji can take the many AK 47s and torpedoes repeatedly fired at him, stop wondering. Just remember that I drive on a full tank of faith.

See you next week.

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