Saturday, April 20, 2019


Say what you may, hatred has taken over the world and terror is out of control and the world as we know it may have changed forever. Time was when every security or war plan was based on the fact that every rational human being will do anything to stay alive. Only losers with no hope committed suicide.

You set up your security knowing that the fear of death was a deterrent to the robber who wants to attack your home. 'Beware of dogs!' was the inscription on the wall of the home of every rich man. Those who want to wage war against your nation must first check out your military might to determine if they can match you bazooka for bazooka, missile for missile.

Forget all the flowery stuff we read in the holy books about heaven, how many people did you know who were in a hurry to visit the white cool place where angels sing day and night and everyone eats fresh fruits? Do you remember the words in the evergreen song, 'Equal Rights' by the late great Jamaican reggae superstar, Peter Tosh: "Everyone wants to go to haven but nobody wants to die!"? That was before it was revealed to young men that for each of them ready to blow himself up, there are seven exquisitely beautiful and randy virgins waiting for them to do all kinds of imaginable things in the cool place.

That was how the suicide bomber stepped in and proliferated. Now, how do you protect yourself against so many men and women scattered all over the world strapped with bombs around the most intimate parts of their anatomies and begging to blow themselves up and blow up everyone else around them and die for whatever crazy beliefs they profess? Can you imagine… it has become sexy to die?!

Beautiful young women in their prime, gorgeously dressed are walking around shaking their thing with explosives pressed against their tender skin knowing that once they press the button, it would be 'gboam'! They would be blown up into bits and pieces with whoever has the bad luck to be around them and they are glad to do it! That is how ISIS attracted thousands of young people from across the world. People don't want to die quietly in their sleep or in their bedroom anymore. It appears to have become fashionable to die in one's prime in an explosive! 

Osama Bin Laden may be dead but the seeds he planted are growing wild. From Kabul to Kandahar to Kirkuk to Karachi to Kano; from Najaf to Nairobi; from Paris to Palmyra to Peshwar; Baghdad to Basra and Benghazi and everywhere else. It is not just his wild bearded look that is proliferating, the world appears to be engaged in an orgy of death, a fireworks competition. Explosives are going off all the time and my guy, it is not video game. Real people in their thousands are having their lives stamped out. We are not talking about roaches but people's fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters…..

Time was when we used to boast that Nigerians could never be suicide bombers. Then, Boko Haram arrived and taught the world how to kill people without rhyme or reason.

That was why I have begged my proud brothers and sisters from Igboland to think through the method of the Biafra agitation. I do not want any beautiful young Igbo girl strapping herself with bombs and blowing herself up in a world where it has become sexy to die. There is just too much blood flowing everywhere. Each person killed brings more people to engage in the endless shedding of blood. I do not want the blood of any of my kith and kin shed meaninglessly.

Because of my plea, some guy took me to town calling me a coward! Me?! A coward?! I forgive the guy. He does not know me. 

See you next week.

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