Friday, January 18, 2019


There is a young man who works with me. The ongoing political maneuvering has become his drug. He is hooked. His life in the last several months has revolved around the upcoming presidential elections.
I wonder whether my guy sleeps at all. These days, he appears to live on the internet, consumed by his never-ending schemes to promote his choice candidate on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and their sister platforms. In the same manner, he is working non-stop to degrade the person he considers his candidate's chief opponent in next month's presidential election.
My guy is a southern Christian who is 100% convinced that the Muslim northern Muhammadu Buhari is the answer to every Nigerian problem. "Can't you see that the President is fighting corruption and taking on the looters?", he would ask. Don't even try arguing with him; he will not listen to you. Buhari can do no wrong.
For several months, he has alleged to whoever cares to listen that Atiku Abubakar is a thief who has been banned from entering the United States of America as a result of his thieving. My guy cannot understand how anyone can vote for such a man, a man who cannot enter America!
When photos of Atiku in America appeared everywhere, my guy unabashedly asked, "what is the big deal in going to America?"  
I can guarantee you that my guy will have his eyes glued to the TV screen tonight. But it will not matter what anyone else says or does. Even if Buhari curses Nigeria and Nigerians tonight, my guy will declare Muhammadu Buhari winner of the debate. And my guy is not alone. There are still millions of die -hard Buharists across the country.
There are some of my friends who have blamed me for what they consider the PMB misadventure. As far as they are concerned, in 2015, I sold a mystical candidate to them who they bought hook, line and sinker, adopted and campaigned for. They wanted change and ended up with a nightmare.
The biggest opposition faced by Buhari today is not with those who opposed him in 2015. They are his most ardent supporters of 2015 who today feel thoroughly jilted by the former General.
I have wondered whether they know in the Buhari camp that the ground has shifted significantly and nothing can be taken for granted anymore. In a world driven by communications, our President simply does not seem to care about communication and appears to be disconnected much of the time. I watched Mr. President on TV in Warri two days ago when he presented the APC flag to Great Ogboru as "our presidential candidate" When he was corrected, he addressed him as the Senatorial candidate and ended with something like "governatorial candidate". I was shocked
I am so sorry, but the truth is that the Buhari mystic which was sold to Nigerians in 2015 is gone and gone with it is the Nigerian intelligentsia that fought for Buhari everywhere. That is why stupid stories like Jibril, the Sudanese man in Aso Rock and the certificate matter can gain the kind of traction they have got. The adversaries of our president have turned him into a joke. To this crowd, it does not matter if Atiku Abubakar sleeps off during tonight's debate or pees on live TV, they will declare Atiku winner.
I do not think that it is a product of deep love of Atiku but significant disappointment in Buhari. With this crowd, it is "anyone but Buhari". They might have other candidates they prefer, but they do not believe that such candidates can dislodge Buhari so, they adopt Atiku. Not even OBJ could escape this human inclination. You know the saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
Is the die not already cast? Is the mortar not already set? Will the much expected TV debate change any minds except those of the habitual analysts.
It is clear that APC has far more money to throw around and they are throwing it around like confetti. The beautiful thing is that none of it has been traced to corruption! Obviously, EFCC is too busy. They are not looking that way. Across the country, the APC posters, banners, flags and billboards have taken every bit of space that exists. They are packing stadiums with people.
Those who believe that money is the one determining factor in this election will tell you that the election is over. To them, it does not matter whether Muhammed Buhari tonight, during the debate, admits that he is indeed Jibril from Sudan, the deed is done!
See you next week.

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