Friday, November 19, 2021


Is it possible to be sad and yet happy at the same time? This week, I seemed to be both at the same time.

I was sad as the events of the Lekki massacre of October 2020 of young Nigerians who were asking for a better nation became news all over again on all major news networks across the globe and the reporters seemed to be making jest of the government of Nigeria.

At the same time, I was happy that a brilliant Nigerian woman who chaired the Lagos State Panel of Inquiry on the October 2020 Lekki toll gate shooting, had the courage to speak truth to power and officially report to the world what we all knew to be true. Our army and police, paid with public funds, massacred young Nigerians in cold blood for doing nothing but seeking that their nation with so much endowments from the Almighty, should be better led. I hereby move a motion on this social media platform that a big national honour be bestowed on Hon Justice Doris Okwuobi for her courage and wisdom and for giving the young people of Nigeria hope for a better tomorrow.

Justice Okwuobi could have looked at what happened recently to Justice Mary Odili and shuddered. She could have thought of her career in the judiciary and developed cold feet. She could have worried about the unknown gunmen let loose to kill, maim, rape and desecrate everything everywhere and ask herself if it is worth it. She did none of the above and became a great heroine of the Nigerian nation.  

I am proud, very proud of what the youth of Nigeria did in the weeks of the