Saturday, November 24, 2018


A few days ago, I was on an Arik Air flight to Port Harcourt on my way to chair the launch of the book, "the Circular Road" by the great thespian and fantastic writer, Victor Nwokocha. It was a soul stirring event. I had a bit of my primary school education in Port Harcourt in the area that used to be called "Town" and I still cherish every visit to "Pitakwa'.
Sitting on the same row with me on the flight to P.H. was His Excellency, the former governor of Rivers State and present Minister of Transport, Rt. Hon. Rotimi Amaechi. On the same row was Amaechi's paddy, the effervescent Dakuku Peterside, the guy who gave Nyesom Wike a big fight for the governorship of Rivers State.
They were nice and we all exchanged pleasantries and spoke for a while about the evolving political scenario and agreed to speak some more in Abuja. I am still waiting for Amaechi's call.
I have written in this column before that I like Rotimi Amaechi. He has courage, convictions and is bold. To my mind, all the significant developments in the world have been made by men who are not scared to go where others are terrified to venture. Like Rotimi Amaechi or hate him, he is bold.
I believe that the jury is still out as to who between Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi did more to finally give Muhammadu Buhari the one thing he had craved and craved for a long time, the elected presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
I have written elsewhere that the brouhaha between Rotimi Amaechi and Patience Jonathan was the beginning of the end of the Jonathan presidency. At that point, the cake was baked. The departure of Amaechi from PDP with his many friends and their coalition with Tinubu just made a very bad situation worse for Jonathan.
In this column, I had begged GEJ to write a book so we can understand how his mind was working through those crazy days of Orubebe, Jega and co. He has just done it. I have read excerpts. I intend to read every comma and full stop and say my piece about the book. But nothing in the book however will change my mind that it was Rotimi Amaechi that packed Jonathan's bags and baggage out of Aso Rock.
Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi has been given the job to re-install l Muhammadu Buhari at Aso Rock. I understand that he is once again Director-General of Buhari's presidential campaign. As I spoke with my guy a few days ago, I wondered how he plans to do it. I have tried and tried to do the same mathematics that convinced me three years ago that Buhari would be president. Nothing is adding up.  
In 2015, Amaechi sold a mystical candidate to Nigerians. The Nigerian intelligentsia bought Buhari, hook, line and sinker, adopted him and campaigned for him. We wanted change. I know a lot of my friends who were ready to go to war because of their faith in PMB. There are those who have blamed me for what they consider the PMB misadventure. I may have made a mistake but it was a mistake made by millions of other Nigerians. Simply put, Buhari has let us down. I hope that PMB will one day write his own book and tell us how we got it so wrong and the falcon stopped hearing the falconer.
I wonder whether in the Buhari camp, they understand that the ground has shifted significantly and nothing can be taken for granted anymore. In a world driven by communications, our President simply does not communicate and appears to be disconnected much of the time. Take it or leave it, his team has been so badly out communicated.
I am so sorry, the Buhari mystic we bought in 2015 is gone and gone with it is the Nigerian intelligentsia that fought for Buhari everywhere. That is why stupid stories like Yusuf, the Sudanese man in Aso Rock and the certificate matter can gain the kind of traction they are getting. The adversaries of our president are turning him into a joke. You think it does not matter?
I have wondered who has the ears of the President. Does he know the extent of the injury and trauma that the rearing of cattle in Nigeria has caused? At the times when he has been accused of nepotism in his appointments, did he understand the sensibilities? He seems to have just doubled down, making it difficult for those who used to defend him to even bother.
I have also wondered whether the Buhari Presidency was hijacked by little men during the period the President was ill or did he always lack the ability to manage such a complex enterprise as Nigeria? I have spoken to persons I consider friends who are supposed to be part of the government and they all appear lost.
As I travel and talk to people around the country, I cannot but feel it that our President is gasping for goodwill. There is angst in the land. This has been seriously exacerbated by the endless in fighting within the APC. APC is beginning to look like sheep without shepherd.  I am finding it more and more difficult to understand who is in charge. Buhari? Tinubu? Oshiomhole? Amaechi or the motley of paper tigers that the President appears to surround himself with. The madness in Owerri and Abeokuta and almost everywhere else cannot make things easier. How is Amaechi going to do this?
In the last days of the Jonathan government, I felt very sorry for the guy who is otherwise pretty likeable. He was trying very hard to conquer the mighty Nigerian nation when the birds had already flown away. The people he trusted had let him down. They did not tell him the truth. Suddenly, GEJ was everywhere at once with bags of money trying to woo Afenifere, OPC, MASSOB, Ijaw Boys, Nollywood and everyone else. It was too late. Sorry, money could not buy him love.
Are we soon going to be watching a repeat performance of the same movie with a different cast.? Does Buhari really know how bad things are? Has my guy Rotimi Amaechi been given a job that is doable? I intend to ask him if he calls.
See you next week

Friday, November 16, 2018



Some will tell you that Okoroji survives because of one powerful juju man somewhere continuously reading incantations on his behalf and throwing cowries into the air. Others will tell you that the guy, Tony Okoroji, is smart and cunning and always a step ahead of his adversaries.

I have never been to any juju man in my life and the day I decide to place my fate and future before any juju man, may the Almighty take my life.

I am not a fool but I am also not as smart as people sometimes think. Yes, I work very hard and believe in the maxim, 'if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail'.

So, why is it that all the elaborate plans to sink and humiliate me always seem to hit the rocks? EFCC! Police! Defamation! Criminal cases! Unending harassment! Courts! The answer is in the word, "favour" – that grace of the Almighty which He visits on His children as He chooses.

God's grace defies human understanding. My survival is not by my power or my might. I am simply too small to face the many arrows aimed at me. I am just a very lucky man to be a beneficiary of God's grace.

You know that the Almighty visits His children with different gifts – beauty, talent, wealth, knowledge, power, etc. Do you think that Aliko Dangote is the richest man in Africa because he is the smartest? Maybe you think that Barcelona's ace, Lionel Messi messes up everyone on the football field and scores the incredible goals he puts in the net because he practices harder than everyone else? These are people who have discovered the Grace that the Almighty has visited them with and are deploying the grace adequately. Check and you will find the grace of the Lord in your life.

On December 7, 2017, without notice, it was decided by some of my colleagues on the COSON Board that they wanted another face as Chairman of COSON. Despite the fact that I did not agree with the timing nor the procedure, I took my lap top and left COSON House. I did not complain to anyone. I did not quarrel with anyone. I did not insult anyone. Next day, I addressed the staff of COSON on speaker phone and asked them to go about their duties with confidence and pride and even work harder for the organization than they had done with me as Chairman.

When on December 19, 2017 the members of COSON after 12 days of my absence ushered me into COSON House with thunderous ovation and overwhelming kindness, I cried. I cried in public because not many people live to witness such profound recognition and appreciation of their efforts. This was God's grace at work.

When the General Assembly took the decision which they expressly have the right to take under the COSON articles, to annul the December 7 decision of the board, I believed that the handful of members of our board who organized themselves to remove me, would act like true democrats and sportsmen, appreciate that whether the members were right or wrong, they acted within their powers.

I have watched TV programs during which incredibly defamatory things have been said about me and facts twisted so badly to run me down. They even wrote a very long petition to the Copyright Commission against me and asked their friends in the NCC to jump into the arena, twist the law and the rules, make pronouncements that lack rhyme nor reason and install them in office.  Close to one year after, it has not happened. I am a firm believer that you may go left or right but ultimately power resides with the people and God's grace is supreme.

I have been told that a regulator is faultless and cannot be challenged. In other words, when someone regulates you, you have become a slave. If he asks you to commit suicide, you must kill yourself. After all, he is your regulator! We have gone to court to challenge our regulator and the heavens have not fallen.

The great thing about the COSON experience is that it is taking us in Nigeria through an important civic lesson. At the end of the day, we may all learn that nobody's power is absolute except the Almighty and that as free citizens, we must remain free to say blatant 'no' to those who assume power supposedly to protect the people and then turn around to use the power against the people.

In my struggles, I have many people to thank. People who understand my way of thinking and have stood firmly behind me when others have counted me out. One of such persons is one of Nigeria's most gifted writers who today in Port Harcourt launches a book called "The Circular Road". Victor Nwokocha is a recipient of that special favour of the Almighty that defies human understanding. He can do with words what most of us consider magic. Victor Nwokocha is also very loyal to his friends. He is a man among men.

I tried to get to Port Harcourt yesterday but could not. Trek, swim, crawl, run, fly, however, I intend to be in Port Harcourt today to celebrate with my brother and friend, Victor at the landmark launch of his new book, the Circular Road. So, help me God.

See you next week.

Saturday, November 10, 2018



Not very long ago, I received a very warm welcome in Benin City from his Royal Majesty, the Oba of Benin. Two years ago, the Olubadan of Ibadan practically rolled out the red carpet for the COSON delegation which I led to his palace.

Earlier this year, I was in the palace of the revered Emir of Kano, the very brilliant Mohammed Sanusi II, with my friend and colleague, the late Ras Kimono. My delegation and I were warmly received by the Emir. His Highness who clearly understands economics and the way the wealth of nations is built, said very kind words and had effusive praise for the work we are doing to reposition our country in the new knowledge and creative economy. 

Visiting an Oba, an Emir, a Minister or a Governor in our continuous outreach to expand the frontiers of the understanding of intellectual property in our country, is probably one percent of the work we do. That is however the part of the work that sometimes attracts envy.

Anyone who has managed a band of a few musicians, will understand that the real hard work of bringing together thousands of creative people, managing their effervescent temperaments and molding them into a force for progress is not beans. My phone rings practically off the hook. Any problem of each of the thousands of members of COSON is my problem.

In the building of the copyright system in Nigeria, I have carried placards many times and led very risky demonstrations many-many times. I have been to court and witnessed against top corporations, governments and individuals time and time again. I have gone many-many days without sleep, travelled lonely roads at dangerous hours, written opinion articles, delivered lectures, organized myriad conferences, seminars and workshops.

I have superintended over the building of an outstanding Nigerian institution called COSON which many said could never see the light of day. When the COSON House was commissioned last year, a lot of people were surprised that there was not one Naira of government money in the magnificent building, no donor dollar, no bank loan and no debt of any type. For eight years, not one of the highly trained COSON staff has received his or her salary one day late. No COSON member entitled to royalties has ever been denied money due to him. It might surprise many to know that no COSON member pays any registration fee, monthly dues or subscription of any type yet every COSON member is entitled to some income every year. 

My dedication to the copyright cause has never been because of a title or because of personal wealth. My official car for much of 2018 was one rickety 20-year old Toyota Camry and later on, one 16-year old Honda Pilot. I do not live in a house provided by COSON. No member of my family goes to a hospital provided by COSON. I do not go on a vacation on the bill of COSON. I have written in Saturday Breakfast before that I verily believe that the true worth of a man is not in what he takes but in what he gives. Pray, how many bags of Naira will I be buried with?

Over and over again, I have been counted out by men. Fortunately, the good Lord has refused to count me out. This year alone, I have been dragged to the Nigeria police, the EFCC and recently, it was all over the media that the Copyright Commission has filed criminal charges against me and some of my colleagues at COSON for working for the good of our country! Numerous press conferences have been held by people I once thought were decent men to spread lies and half-truths and completely decimate my good name.

Earlier this year, there was this loud campaign for the 'independent' audit of the COSON accounts. The intent was to create the impression that Okoroji was hiding something. The strange fact is that the COSON accounts have been independently audited every single year. Each of the thousands of COSON members, including those making the noise, have copies of the audited accounts which have been ratified by COSON members annually. Each of the audited accounts is in the custody of the Nigerian Copyright Commission, the Corporate Affairs Commission and our international partners. Copies of the audited accounts are available at COSON House for anyone to inspect.

Do you know who signed each of the audited accounts? His name is Joel Ajayi. He was the Chairman of the COSON Finance & Audit Committee. Ajayi supervised each of the audits and everything was ok with him until December 2017 when he participated in the failed coup to kick Okoroji out of COSON. When COSON members resolved to kick him out of the board, he forgot that he signed the audited accounts!

Mr. Afam Ezekude, the current NCC DG, was not in Nigeria when my colleagues and I took the bull by the horn and made sure that the NCC was set up for the good of the Nigerian creative industry. He was brought from London by his friend, the immediate past Attorney-General of the Federation, Mohammed Adokie, to come and 'chop'. The result is that the once vibrant Copyright Commission today lies comatose. Last year, I visited the commission's main enforcement office at Costain in Lagos and I left heart broken. The roofs are leaking. The place is smelly. Rats and cockroaches are chasing after themselves all over the place. The toilet facilities are antiquated. Sometimes, there is no power in the building for months. At the same time, there are allegations of massive fraud in millions at the NCC

As we built COSON, the NCC DG, Ezekude, turned his back on us. More than 18 months after it was commissioned, the DG of the NCC, has not once visited COSON House, the gem of the copyright system in Nigeria. The DG of NTA has been to COSON House. So, has the DG of FRCN, the DG of NBC, the DG of NFVCB and many more Federal Government DGs. COSON House was officially commissioned by Mr. Moses Ekpo, the first DG of the NCC, who is presently Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State. At the event was Professor Egerton Uvieghara, the first Chairman of NCC. The edifice has welcomed many stars from home and abroad including our own Minister of Information & Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed. Ezekude has never been to COSON House.

Since the December 2017 failed coup at COSON, Ezekude has not spoken to me once. He never answered any of my calls nor returned any of my text messages. He is busy plotting how to jail the stubborn Okoroji. Sooner or later, Ezekude will leave the NCC. I hope that his successor will learn something from Ezekude's misadventure.

I do not worship men. I only worship God. I swore to defend the interest of the members of COSON as long as they want me to. So, help me God.

See you next week.


Friday, November 2, 2018



This morning, in Atta Ikeduru in Imo State, the land in which my father was born, we will take her body to the old Saint Mary's Catholic Church in Ogada and thereafter, my friend will be laid to rest. It was to the same church that the body of my father was taken and before him that of my mother, as we said bye to each of them.

Yesterday, I was at my father's old house beside which, both my parents rest. The house, at some point, used to be considered the most glamourous building in my locality and people came from far and near just to look at it. The road that passes in front of my father's house was busy almost 24 hours a day. Before everyone sank a borehole, they came to the river named after my late father to fetch water to drink and to cook. It was in the same river that I learnt to swim.

No one goes to the river anymore. In fact, since the "express" was built, almost nobody passes the old road anymore. The same road that seemed to have led to everywhere! So, my father's old house stands wondering where everybody has gone.

That is the story of life, the story of all our lives. We come and we go. We are the stars of today but the history of tomorrow. Even our children that run around us will move on in search of their own lives. Someday, we will wake up to find that we are the only ones left at home.

As we struggle and squabble and fight with all our might, we should all sometimes go back to our old father's house. It might just help sink it in that we might be the big stars of today but we will be the history of tomorrow.   

Now and then, I wonder whether we know that ultimately, each one of us will pass away. Indeed, every day we are on the road to passing away. Of course, there are those so dear to us that we keep praying that they live for a long-long time because we cannot imagine life without them because of the way they have touched our lives.

Stella Ngozi Okoroji was not just a sister-in-law. She was my friend, my very good friend. She was one of those people that lit up my world.

Since my parents are no longer here, my friends wonder why I go home from Lagos so regularly. Stella was one sweet reason I have done so. She always had a smile waiting for me, an enchanting smile. Probe deeper and you will find one special bowl of ugba, the delicacy for which every good Igbo woman is known, waiting for me.

If Stella did not see me, she would call and in her quiet way ask me about work, family and the many challenges she knows I keep dealing with. Stella Ngozi Okoroji was my person!

You can then imagine what it was like, that early morning of October 11, 2018 when I received what was a heart-breaking text message from Emeka Eric, her son, my nephew, my guy and young confidant. The text read "Uncle, my world is finished, my mum is dead" "What?!", I exclaimed.

I speak with Mekus almost every other day and he never mentioned to me that his mother whom he knows is very dear to me, had any headache, bellyache, cough or any sickness of any sort. How come?

To say that I am heart-broken is to put it mildly. Every death is a loss but some deaths leave enduring scars for the rest of your life. The death of Stella Ngozi Okoroji has left such scars.

I however do not agree with Mekus and I have told him so. His world is not finished. His mother expects so much of him as she expects of Ugochukwu, Chigozie, Ezinne, Onyedikachi, Chimuanya and Obinna, all her children. They all still have a long road to travel and I know that she still loves them and will be watching and guiding them to success each step of the way.

Meanwhile, who will make that special plate of ugba, the way Stella did it for me? Who will give me that truly enchanting smile the way Stella did? Who now takes the first two loaves of bread I buy when coming home?

Adieu Stella Ngozi Okoroji. Adieu my special friend.

See you next week.